Friday, October 29, 2010

I want to break free.

It's been about 6 weeks since my last post, and I feel like it's time to write again.  I find myself going through these phases where I am always wanting to write or be creative in one way or another.  And at other times, I just need to be alone.  The last 6 weeks was my alone time.  I am now ready to break out of my cocoon and spread my wings a fly with the help of one of life's great gusts of wind.

Today I spent the afternoon with a good friend of mine.  To tell you the truth, it's just over the last 6 weeks that we became as close as we are now, and I truly think that this is just the beginning of our friendship.  We have been friends for nearly 2 years now, but it's just recently that we have started to see our friendship blossom.  

We spent the afternoon shopping, eating (something we both enjoy!) and indulged in a little "spa treatment".  ;)  It was a very enjoyable afternoon, and we ended the day with a little dance party in the front seat of her car!  

I think one of the main reason that our friendship has blossomed into what it is, is that we are very similar in the way that we want to live life and our life stories are so similar in so many ways.  We understand each others pain and sadness, and we share a common sense of humour and know what will make the other one laugh.  We tell each other how it is, and sometimes there is not even any cushion that comes with that truth.  I believe this is what a true friend is suppose to be.  I am very excited to see where we both are in a years time, both in our friendship and with life.  :)

Friendship is timeless, and even if you drift apart sometimes, a true friend will always find their way back into your life.